ASC-TC is a subunit of the Division for Acoustics and Thermal Physics of KU Leuven Research and Development which offers measurements services for thermal material parameters with innovative techniques in instrumentation and analysis. Currently, we focus on the determination of the specific heat capacity and enthalpy in liquids and solids with adiabatic scanning calorimetry (ASC).

At present ASC-TC offers high-resolution measurements on customer samples of the temperature dependence of the enthalpy and specific heat capacity in particular near phase transitions. In the near future ASC-TC will also be offering instrumentation and analysis software.

ASC-TC is closely related to and hosted by the Laboratory of Acoustics and Thermal Physics of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of KU Leuven.

The current ASC-TC team:

  • Prof. dr. Christ Glorieux
  • Dr. Jan Leys
  • Em. Prof. dr. Jan Thoen